We would like to share something important from the Native arts community with you. As a service to the community, American Indian Artists Inc. (AMERINDA) is hosting a comprehensive web-based roster of North American Indian traditional and contemporary artists of the greater New York City area. The NAAR is a single source of multi-disciplinary information of the rich array of emerging and established Native American artists from the many disciplines who live and work in New York City and the surrounding metropolitan area.

“Like the city in which it developed, the hallmark of the New York Contemporary Native American Art Movement is its diversity. Since the 1940’s, indigenous artists have flocked to the New York to cultivate their own work in dialogue with the developments of the city’s art scene.”

– David Bunn Martine (Nednai-Chiricahua Apache/Montauk/Shinnecock),

No Reservation: New York Contemporary Native American Art Movement New York: AMERINDA Inc, 2017

The Native Artist Roster is designed and built to serve the needs of the artist; introduce Native American artists to the mainstream arts world; and create larger audiences for Native American art. The roster is a publicly available archive of comprehensive, easily accessible information that we hope will put the artists themselves directly in contact with more opportunities.