AMERINDA INC. | American Indian Artists Inc.

Celebrating Thirty Years of Amerinda


New York City should fully live up to the promise of equality for all by providing cultural equity to Native Americans in the New York City Cultural Plan.

New York City must do as it said through implementation of its first ever Arts Plan, must without question use a "targeted approach" with regard to the Native American arts community; increase economic impact with that constituency, and increase its strategic development to meet the equitable needs of the New York Native arts community.

After surveying the New York City Native arts community, AMERINDA has quantified some recommendations that are absolutely warranted and can begin to equalize its position vis—a—vis the other diverse arts communities in New York, and then continue to increase its stability and impact on the arts community as a whole. The following recommendations from the Native American community seek to rectify current New York City government policies which divide indigenous leadership and remove self determination and decision making from Native people.

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