Native Arts Quarterly
Talking Stick Native Arts Quarterly publishes Indigenous arts, news, commentaries, features, fiction, poetry and essays written by Native American writers. Our mission is to promote, give exposure to, and explore ideas in the world of contemporary American Indian arts. Talking Stick Native Arts Quarterly is published in New York City by American Indian Artists Inc. (Amerinda).
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How to Submit Your Work
Talking Stick welcomes and encourages submissions from
readers. Please email Steve Elm, Editor, at with ideas
or submissions. Talking Stick is a non profit publication and unable to
pay for published work; however, after initial publication writers are
awarded a small stipend for subsequent published work.
Steve Elm, Editor
15 Rutherford Place
NY NY 10003
Please put "Talking Stick" in the subject for comments or submissions.
How to Subscribe
With your yearly subscription you will recieve four issues of the print edition of Talking Stick. Your subscription to Talking Stick enables AMERINDA to continue providing services to Native artists including:
FISCAL SPONSORSHIP: Provides individual
artists and small to mid-sized organizations access to grants for specific
arts projects from government agencies and private foundations.
INFORMATION: Provided through Talking Stick,
an Arts Quarterly listing opportunuties for current grants, fellowships,
internships, etc.; feature articles and interviews with Native artists
and elders; art, poetry, and prose by Native artists. A reference library
and Internet access is also available.
ADVOCACY: For Native inclusion in professional
performing arts unions and arts organizations, and individual placement
in organized training programs and internships.
mail checks to:
15 Rutherford Place
New York, NY 10003
$20.00 (US) suggested
donation for subscription. All donations are fully tax-deductible. Thank
you for your support.