Vira Colorado
Donna Couteau
(Sac and Fox)
Joe Cross
Steve Elm
Dawn Jamieson
Nancy McDoniel
Soni Moreno
Amy Tall Chief
Jason Turner

6.3 - July/Aug/Sept 2003
Summer with the Stars |
A certain young man I was casually acquainted with was
considering a career as an actor. This was the early 90’s,
New York. “Dances With Wolves” and “Thunderheart” were
on the screens. TV and film epics about Indians were hastily
being produced. The town was rife with actors and wannabe
actors all clamoring for auditions. The auditions were
packed with Indians and wannabe Indians all clamoring
for a job. It was a free for all, anarchy at the Equity
offices. Suddenly, clip on braids were de rigueur in certain
circles. Wig hats were not uncommon. MAC cosmetics faced
a run on their darkest foundations. There was talk, only
talk, of course, that some actors were even corking up.
Surnames suddenly became prefaced with adjectives. In
the end, none of this mattered to most of us.
As usual, the white people making these films were only
interested in the action west of the Mississippi. Us Eastern
Indians just weren’t marketable. So, this certain young
man, a denizen of the Lower East Side (always an area
where cliques like to refer to their make up as “tribal”),
tells me he has decided he can make some money in this
rush on Indian actors, maybe even become a bona fide movie
star. Plus, he had Cherokee ancestors. Old pro that I
am, I inform him that he’ll need to invest in some good
head shots before he does anything else. A few days later
we meet at a local boite. He is excited. He coyly hands
me a big Manila envelope. “I followed your advice” he
says, “I got some really good pictures done”.
first one I pulled out showed him shirtless with a buck
knife clenched between his teeth, his eyes narrow slits.
I felt myself flush. The next one his long hair was blowing
in the wind as he sat bare-chested and chokered on a chestnut
mare. My mouth went dry. After the shot with him in buckskins
holding what I presume was an infant over his head with
a pink moon in the background I began to seize up. My
hands curled into arthritic claws. My head lolled to one
side and a bit of spittle escaped from between my dry
and brittle lips. “Nice’, I said. “They really capture
the real you.”. In this issue of Talking Stick we feature
not movie stars but stars in our hearts instead. Talent
and a desire to perform is what drives most actors and
we are no different in that respect.
We have always sung, danced and told stories to each other.
One day we found ourselves doing this for visiting Europeans.
Then, the whole world changed. Soon, some of us were in
the Wild West Shows. There was vaudeville for a few and
snake oil shows for others. Still, countless numbers were
shot off cliffs in silent movies and early talkies. We
persisted. Why? Well, some just needed a paycheck (in
some cities there was no other work for Indians). Others
caught the acting bug. And, like all actors, it is in
our nature to tell not only our own stories, but also
those of others. Yes, shocking and heretical as it sounds,
we can even tell white people’s stories. Sadly, the business
still sees only red when we ask for more than feather
and leather roles. “Indian” is not a character, but tell
Hollywood that.
We’ve been in Shakespeare, musical theatre, experimental,
drag, burlesque, mime, Jack Nicholson and Woody Allen
films, shared stages with Divine and George C. Scott,
performed or refused to perform in “Hiawatha”, danced
in bustles, danced in hot pants, wore out moccasins and
point shoes, (continued on next page) (continued) sported
braids, mohawks, Alexie Sherman mullets and the dry look
by Mennen…and…we’re still here. Here are some of us in
all our character’s glories. Feast your eyes on these
sweethearts; the brightest stars this side of the powwow
highway. Talking Stick proudly presents our Sizzling Summer
with the Stars!!!

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